Our Favorite Braces-Friendly Foods

By Suter Orthodontics

Finding snacks can seem really tough when you’re new to braces. Or when you’re bored of your go-to’s! We’re here to help. Here are our favorite braces-friendly foods to help you find your new favorite snack.

Unfriendly Foods

When you have braces, it’s important to know which foods are safe to eat or not, so you can keep your braces in top form and your orthodontic treatment on track. Before we share our favorite braces-friendly foods, let’s start by talking about those that are not safe for your braces.

Foods you should avoid include anything that is sticky, chewy, crunchy, hard, or that requires you to bite into it with your front teeth (like a whole apple). Your orthodontist might be able to give you a more specific list of foods to avoid

What to Look for in a Friendly Snack

Now, onto the good stuff! When you look for braces-friendly foods, look for foods that are soft, don’t require a lot of chewing, and won’t stick to or pull on your braces wires or brackets. Foods without nuts are also best to avoid because biting into something that’s hard or crunchy can be tough on your braces.

Mouth-Watering Suggestions

Some of our favorite braces-friendly foods include soft foods like rice, mashed potatoes, steamed veggies, and cooked fruit. Dairy, like yogurt, soft or shredded cheeses, or cottage cheese, are also great choices. Scrambled eggs, fish, refried beans, or pastas can all be good braces-safe sources of protein.

Fresh fruit and veggies can also be safe if they are cut into smaller pieces, so you don’t need to bite into them with your front teeth. Chips might also be safe if eaten carefully and one at a time. Always check with your orthodontist, though, before trying a food that is typically not braces-friendly, to ensure that it’s safe!

Ask Your Orthodontist!

If you have special dietary restrictions, such as gluten-free or vegan, talk with your orthodontist at your next appointment for more suggestions specific to your needs! Your orthodontist will be happy to help however they can to make your braces journey as easy and enjoyable as possible.

Call our Colorado Springs Dental Office to make an appointment with a dentist who may be able to help you find out more about this topic, and improve your oral health.

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